Saturday, February 19, 2011

Oliver Twist--Check In #2

I finally caught up!  Only two days late.  Not over a week late like War and Peace.  Whoops!  Life happens right.

At the end of the last book was the botched robbery.  I was interested to see what happened to poor Oliver.  Luckily, after being ditched by the other robbers, he found favor with a few individuals who nursed him back to health.

I'm still curious as to Oliver's origins.  A new character Rose also has an unknown past, and I wouldn't be surprised if they were somehow connected.  Dickens is know for such coincidences.

I find myself struggling with Oliver Twist.  Like I said, I am curious, but I don't really feel compelled to pick it up.  Much of the humor seems to be absent from the second book.  I miss it.  I'm hoping that the last section will really turn the tide for me.  I really want to love this, but I don't yet.  I'll be back on February 28th with my final thoughts.  See you then!

As a side note, I was delighted to visit Westminster Abbey this past Monday and see where Dickens is buried.  I really wanted to take a picture, but photography is not allowed inside the Abbey.  I'm a rule follower so the best I have are some pictures of the structure from the outside.  I'll post more about my London trip next week.  If you get the chance to visit London someday, make sure you pay a visit to Westminster Abbey.  Poet's Corner is worth the visit.  It made my bookish little heart flutter.


  1. I have never read this and looking at what you wrote here... I should, I really should! :)

  2. Despite having been to London quite a few times I have yet to enter the Abbey! I should fix that next time.

  3. Sheila--It's not perfect, but I think it's worth a read.

    Nymeth--You should visit the Abbey! You would love it. Even aside from Poet's Corner, it's incredible.

    Jenners--I hope it picks up too. It might just be my mood. My next book is going to be a fun one.
